Brno City Tour

Event Description:

We met together in city center. At first we introduced ourselves, because certainly our participants wanted to know who are they going to spend the afternoon with. Then the program started. We had an English speaking guide, who told us all interesting stories about Brno and its sights. We visited St. James church (kostel sv. Jakuba), Peter and Paul Cathedral (Petrov), so called “Moravák”, „Svoboďák“ and „Zelňák“, Old Town Hall and other sights during our tour. We watched the entire city from the Town Hall Tower, so we had the opportunity to see Brno from bird perspective. Our tour lasted 2 hours.

The weather was playing with us a bit, but we were lucky and spent time during the heavy rain in Peter and Paul Cathedral. Then it was sunny again, so we could enjoy nice view from the Town Hall Tower. 

We ended our event in a historical pub chatting, tasting "korma" (beer with honey) and playing a game about Brno, which could help the newcomers to learn interesting places of our our nice and cool city :-).


It was our first even in ENGLISH. According to the feedback of one of the partcipants we "did a very nice job, the tour was nice and people there friendly". Thanks to all who came and we are looking forward to another English event! :-)

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