Wine Tasting

Event Description:

We met at Tasting Enoteca Vindom, which is located in the center of Brno. It is a family company that has been operating for 20 years, equipped with tasting machine and offering wines from smaller renowned wineries from around the world. They choose wines very carefully and know personally their winemakers, so we had an unusual gourmet experience ;-).

At first we introduced ourselves, because certainly you wanted to know who are we drinking with :-). Then the guided wine tasting started. We had opportunity to compare European wine with the Moravian ones or with wines from distant Australia. We tasted these exclusive wines, ate some salty delicacies and listened to wine expert commentary. You made notes which wine was top and which one was not for us.

At the end of this great evening we had a small competition in wine recognition as well!


This was our second event in English. There were really nice group of people, both expats and Czechs and we had a lot of fun :-).

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